We are pleased to make over 640 acres of land available for outdoor recreation in the scenic watershed of Baird Creek. Due to rare species and sensitive habitat areas on our nature preserves, we have a policy for allowable, regulated and prohibited activities:
Allowable Uses:
Hiking, walking, trail running
Bird watching
Gathering nuts, fruits, fungus and antler sheds
Nature photography
Hunting, fishing and trapping (is allowed on many of our outside city limit acres. These activities are subject to state law and local ordinances. The foundation has protected many acres of formerly private land for public recreation, including hunting, through the generosity of foundation members, as well as the DNR’s Knowles-Nelson Stewardship Fund, grants from private foundations and private donations. The foundation recognizes that hunting is an important habitat management tool. If you are interested in helping to protect wildlife habitat, please sign up to volunteer or join and support our organization at
https://bairdcreek.org/membership or https://bairdcreek.org/volunteer
Cross-country skiing and snowshoeing
Mountain biking (only allowed in city limits – Baird Creek Greenway)
Regulated Uses:
Educational use
Scientific use
Group activities
Pets on leash only
Prohibited activities
Commercial enterprise
Riding horses
Camping and/or campfires
Target practice
Motorized vehicles
Unauthorized trail construction or modification
Rock climbing
Unauthorized structures (unoccupied tree stands, tree steps, hunting blinds, bird houses, signs, etc.)
Removal of anything (including rocks, plants, trees and firewood) other than nuts, fruits, fungus, and antler sheds
If you have questions, please contact us at 920-328-3505 or info@bairdcreek.org
Support Our Efforts – Donate Today!
By donating to Baird Creek Preservation Foundation you will be supporting our efforts to preserve and restore our ecological gem located right in Green Bay. If you would like to designate your donation directly to one of our PROJECTS, please choose that project from the drop down list vs choosing the general donation option. If you want membership benefits with your donation visit the membership page!